students cutting and folding construction paper on arts and crafts table

General Information

School Hours Grades Kdg-5th

Doors Open - 8:20 a.m.
First Bell - 8:40 a.m
Tardy Bell/School Starts - 8:45 a.m.*
Dismissal Bell - 3:25 p.m

*Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. must have a parent check them in at the attendance office.

  • After School Playground Use ~ Children waiting for a parent are to wait at the designated area for student pick-up, not on the playground. Children may not be left unsupervised on the playground while parents are inside the school handling school business.

  • Attendance at an Open Enrollment School ~ At an open enrollment school, transportation is provided by parents. Placement may be revoked by the school principal if the student’s attendance (absences or tardies) or transportation arrangements reach an unacceptable level.

  • Cafeteria ~ Edmond Public Schools participate in the National School Lunch Program. Nourishing and balanced meals are served daily. Student lunches are $2.00 for breakfast and $3.30 for lunch.  Each child has a meal account and money may be deposited in any increment. Milk, juice and water may be purchased separately for $.50 and may be scanned from the account. Children from households whose income falls within the federal income guidelines are eligible for either free or reduced price meals. Applications may be picked up during enrollment or in the office.  (Prices subject to change.)

  • Change of Information ~ Please notify the office any time there is a change of address or a new phone number for home or office. This is needed in the event of an illness or injury.

  • Closing School ~ Oklahoma’s severe weather makes it necessary at times to close school. Area television and radio stations will alert the public when this decision has been made. Early dismissal is not a common practice in the Edmond School system due to the inconvenience it would cause working parents.

  • Dismissal ~ If students must leave school anytime during the school day, parents or those designated on the enrollment card must check them out through the office. Students will not be released to anyone unless they are specified on their enrollment card or you call the office directly and give permission.

  • Dress Code ~ The way children dress greatly affects their attitude at school. Clothing should be appropriate, clean and inoffensive. The student dress code is based upon the premise of recognizing fashion without sacrificing decency, safety and appropriateness. It is the intent to restrict extremes and indecency which would detract from the main purpose of the educational program. Elementary students are not allowed to wear extreme hair colors or styles which may be disruptive to the learning environment. Hats or other headgear may not be worn in the school building unless for a special occasion. Shoes with rollers in the soles are not to be worn at school. For general guidelines see EPS District Dress Code.

  • Insurance ~ The Edmond Public Schools makes accident insurance available to students. The school system is not financially responsible for the cost of any accidental injury occurring from a school activity. The insurance is offered as a convenience. Enrollment forms for insurance are made available at the beginning of the school year and in the office.

  • Leaving the Building ~ Students will not be allowed to leave the building to go to lunch with a friend without a written note of permission from the parent. Notes should be sent to the office when students arrive at school.

  • Messages ~ Messages for students during school hours are discouraged. After school plans should be made before school. Messages will be delivered at the end of the day or as time allows for the office staff. Please call in messages before 2:45. We cannot guarantee that messages called in after 2:45 will be delivered.

  • Money ~ Students should not bring money to school unless it is for lunches or at the school’s request. Please make sure to send all money in an envelope or baggie with the student’s name written clearly on the outside and what the amount is supposed to go towards. Students may not buy, sell or trade items at school.

  • Parties ~ District regulations allow three classroom parties at school each year. Homeroom parents and teachers plan parties to celebrate. In order to protect instructional time, Birthday Parties are not allowed at school and party invitations may not be distributed at school.

  • Personal Items ~ Please mark all lunch containers, backpacks, and ALL clothing with your child’s name. Items collected in Lost and Found and not claimed, will be donated to a charity at Winter Break and after school is out.

  • Physical Education ~ Tennis shoes and appropriate clothing should be worn during PE classes.

  • Privacy ~ Oklahoma Law (Section 24-102 of Title 70) states, “Pupils shall not have any reasonable expectation of privacy towards school administrators or teachers in the contents of a school locker, desk, or other property.  School personnel shall have access to school property in order to properly supervise the welfare of pupils.  School lockers, desks, and other areas of school facilities may be opened and examined by school officials at any time and no reason shall be necessary for such search.”

  • Lunch Schedules
    K & 1 = 11:15
    2nd & 3rd = 11:50
    4th & 5th = 12:25


  • Tardies and Absenteeism ~ Promptness and regularity are essential. Pupils arriving late or leaving early disrupt the entire class. Students who are tardy must check in with the office and pick up a tardy slip. Parents or guardians should contact the school secretary on days on which students must be absent.  All students who are picked up during the day must be signed out in the office. Because Clegern is a choice school, placement may be revoked by the school principal if the student’s attendance and/or tardies reach an unacceptable level. See EPS District Attendance Regulations.

  • Telephone Use ~ A telephone is available to students for emergency use only.  Students must have a phone pass from their teacher before using the phone.  Students should make after school plans prior to coming to school.  Students cannot be called from their classroom to take a phone call.

  • Visitors ~ Visitors are not allowed to the building without an appointment. In order to protect instructional time, parents may not enter the classroom during class time without making prior arrangements with the teacher. Visitors must sign out prior to leaving the building through our LobbyGuard.